Partnerships & Resources

Funding Partners

Advanced National Seismic System - ANSS
Advanced National Seismic System – ANSS

CA Gov. Office of Emergency Services - CalOES
CA Gov. Office of Emergency Services – CalOES

Partner Websites

California Integrated Seismic Network – CISN
Caltech Seismo Lab
Southern California Earthquake Data Center – SCEDC
United States Geological Survey – USGS

Collaborative Network Websites

Advanced National Seismic System – ANSS
Global Seismographic Network – GSN
Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology – IRIS
National Earthquake Information Center – NEIC

Seismic Networks

California Division of Water Resources
California Geological Survey – CGS
Center for Engineering Strong Motion Data
Community Seismic Network – CSN
Ensenada Center for Scientific Research and Higher Education (Baja California) – CICESE
IRIS US Transportable Array
Menlo Park Science Center
Nevada Seismological Laboratory
Northern California Earthquake Data Center
Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E)
University of California Berkeley Seismological Laboratory – BSL
University of California San Diego
University of California Santa Barbara
West Coast and Alaska Tsunami Warning Center

Resources on Earthquake Preparedness in the Home and Workplace

Earthquake Country Alliance (Spanish)
Putting Down Roots in Earthquake Country
Earthquake Preparedness Brochure
Emergency Supplies Checklist
Tips for apartment and mobile home park managers
Tips for the physically challeneged
Tips for the elderly

Emergency Services

American Red Cross
LA City Emergency Prep Department
CA Gov. Office of Emergency Services
Seismic Safety Commission
Emergency Network Los Angeles
LA County Sheriff’s Department
Federal Emergency Management Agancy