Southern California Seismic Network

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Recent Earthquake Activity Click for more info

Use the map below to explore recent earthquake activity. This map shows the earthquake feed from the USGS for all earthquakes in the last 7 days within the SCSN reporting region.

Expand the left sidebar to view the event listing; selecting an event will highlight its map location. Once selected, for further information, clicking an event ID (e.g. ci38354200) link will take you to the USGS page for that event.

Events are color-scaled by the time they occurred (red: within 1 hour; blue: within 1 day; yellow: within 7 days; grey: older) and size-scaled by their magnitude, as represented in the legend below.

The map updates every 5 minutes with the most recent earthquake data available, the same refresh rate as the USGS earthquake feed.

Please note that not all earthquake information displayed on this map may have been reviewed by a seismologist, and automated solutions are likely to be updated.

Fast facts
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Statistics are computed at the end of each day UTC (4pm PST, 5pm PDT) for the preceding 24 hour period and the preceding 7 day period. Numeric links will open SCEDC webpages for more catalog information, and DYFI Report links will open USGS webpages with Did You Feel It? felt report information.

For archived weekly (Thursday to Thursday) and monthly report plots with interactive faults shown, go to the Weekly Report Plots and Monthly Report Plots pages.

24 hours7 days
Date range:14 Oct 2024 UTC08 Oct 2024 to 14 Oct 2024 UTC
Number of events:28304
Magnitude range:0.28 - 2.43-0.23 - 3.63
Events M ≥ 2.0:229
Felt Reports:DYFI Reports DYFI Reports
Weekly Playback Map Click for more info

The map below can be used to replay the earthquake sequence from the last week.

Events are shown in 4-hour intervals, and are color and size-scaled by the magnitude (blue is smallest, red is largest). Faults from the USGS recent fault database are shown as grey lines.

N.B. loading a week with a high number of events may take some time to complete.

Earthquake activity through time Click for more info

The plots below show alternate views of seismicity at both weekly and monthly periods.

For additional long term earthquake information go to the Weekly Report Plots and Monthly Report Plots pages.

  • The top plot shows the total number of earthquakes recorded per day (UTC) below different magnitude thresholds. The number varies depending on the detection capabilities of the network and seismic activity levels. Swarms or aftershock sequences can cause spikes in the daily rate.
  • The bottom plot shows the earthquakes recorded per day (UTC) as magnitude against time for the previous 7 days. Events can be matched to their corresponding listing in the map above to view locations as well as additional technical information.