01/16/2016, M3.5 near Lone Pine

Last updated May 22nd, 2019

  • 16 Jan 2016 12:49:18 PST, (36.542, -117.968), depth 11.2km, 10km ESE of Lone Pine, California
  • Aftershocks: so far (19 Jan 2016, 08:41AM PST) there has been 1 aftershock recorded, M1.8. More may be expected in the next few days, the largest expected is approximately 1 magnitude unit smaller than the mainshock. There is a small chance (about 5%) that a larger quake could occur, with the likelihood decreasing over time.
  • Nearby faults: Owens Valley fault zone, 1872 rupture section (Owens Valley fault) (5.7 km), Southern Sierra Nevada fault zone, Haiwee Reservoir section (10.2 km), Owens Valley fault zone, 1872 rupture section (Lone Pine fault) (11.2 km) and Southern Sierra Nevada fault zone, Independence section (Independence fault) (12.3 km).
  • Links for: USGS earthquake page, ShakeMap, DYFI.
  • Visit our special reports page for further information on local notable earthquakes.
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