01/29/2019, M3.6 near Lucerne Valley

Last updated October 4th, 2019

  • 29 Jan 2019 18:40:12 PST, (34.408, -116.892), depth -0.5km, 8km ESE of Lucerne Valley, California
  • Aftershocks: so far there have been no aftershocks recorded. Some may be expected in the next few days, the largest expected is approximately 1 magnitude unit smaller than the mainshock. There is a small chance (about 5%) that a larger quake could occur, with the likelihood decreasing over time.
  • Historical seismicity: since our records began in 1932 we’ve had 53 events of M4 or greater within 10km of today’s event, the largest was M5.3 (1992/11/27) and the most recent was M4.6 on 05 Jul 2014.
  • Links for: USGS earthquake page, ShakeMap, DYFI, waveforms.
  • Visit our special reports page for further information on local notable earthquakes.

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